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Showing posts from January, 2023

Rediscovering/ Redefining "SELF"

 29/01/2023 Finally, it clicked 💡 i am pretty much still myself!   I have just been feeling deeper and longer. For a while i did not quite get it to why i feel longer now than when i was 24 and younger. Perhaps it is part of the package that arrived with age 25. For two months i have been feeling distant, out of touch with myself. I have been feeling confused and unhappy irrespective of the events of the day. I always thought of myself to be the "always" peaceful, calm, joyful, happy, free, getting over stuff easily, with no apology offered , with no disappearance of a problem. I thought that is who i am... However, i have been  feeling so much of what i never thought myself to be. I have thought repeatedly and said  "i am not myself lately". The truth is i am myself i just happen to be assessing situations and events happening in my life a lot more; longer and deeper than in the previous year(s). Because this is new for me and unintentional it lead to confusion o...

Today I have something to offer

  If I ever make a contribution in this life it has to be making people feel better in some way, and for me presence is always a great gift on its own. Being present… Today I would likes to put a thought out there, and it is spelt as follows: I have something to offer! Some people naturally love to give gifts; they always find reasons to do it without any struggle. And some people are more of receivers, not that they are bad people but its just not part of the tradition, or they think they cannot afford to. In most case when people think giving the second thought that comes to play is money. We mostly think of gifts to be tangible and i find this notion limiting. Money is one of the sources of giving but it is not the main, it is not the only channel to warming a heart. Making a moment better is making a life better. I delight in people’s joy because at some point I felt the absence of joy, so I understand the value of playing part. Let us think of things to offer this day, tomorro...

Further damage continues and stops on the inside

 D amage: harm that impairs the value, usefulness, or normal function of something. FREE AND HAPPY For the most part when we were younger we were free and happy. Inconveniences were not so much of a big deal compared to the current age. We would be wronged and be sad or cry about it, then forgive and move on. We would not remain in the same pain or disappointment for so long. We were open to everything and would willingly move on to the next thing. WHAT HAPPENED? A lot has changed. We all have different stories to tell but the common factor is growth. For the purpose of this article i will define growth as being exposed to, being presented with an opportunity to learn or experience a new thing. An experience is meant to give shape to our frame of mind; to completely reform: that is to change your mind with regards to a person or a situation; OR to retain the current frame regarding a person or a situation. R emaining are experiences; convenient and inconvenient, joy and pain....

What do i need right now? Show up/ Hide

Life is about being present. To live then is an activity of being here. We show up everyday because we are here, to date. Showing up can be explained as taking any action no matter what that looks like. It is going to school, going to work, meeting academic or work deadline, honoring appointments with friends or self, attending family events or showing up for scary stuff like surgery. We always show up and we are either inclined when doing it or disinclined. When we are inclined to show up we are passionate, we are intentional. When we are disinclined we are tired and would rather not be here (work, school, completing assignments, meeting family or friends or going for surgery). Most of the times we are solving problems, we are serving, life in its form asks this from us. Priorities, needs and expectations determine for us the how part. Most days we are invested and authentic in our daily responsibilities, we bring in our full A game. However, some days we present ourselves with ...

Scary 😰

Where the thought/ decision of starting therapy came from? When i was a baby back in primary i wanted to be a nurse so i can help people in pain, i wanted to help sick people get better. I then grew up and was fascinated by different career options which nursing is non of them. I am a high-school teacher at the moment, i educate teenagers while i guide and care for them :) ; the most beautiful yet challenging job. The best part about my job is the joy and fulfilment i get from interacting with the young intelligent minds, the art of discovering who an individual is from their shared thoughts on a topic with no 'I' as a reference. The art of discovering a person without them sharing about themselves. I am three years into my teaching careers and while i enjoy what i do, i do not intend on teaching for life. A decade should be enough. I have a heart for people and that is the reason i pour my heart in any interaction i hold with people . I care for their wellness and find the gre...