Lessons am getting and love to share Apply your faith and command things into existence in the name of Jesus. His name disempowers strongholds and adversaries. As Ephesians 6:12 reminds us, we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against rulers and principalities of this present age. The name of Jesus gives us victory in spiritual battles and frees us from afflictions and setbacks. Vision 1 I was lifted into the air, facing a massive spirit in a fierce struggle. This entity was a giant. I prayed and commanded fire to consume it; though fire was sent forth, the spirit continued to rise. It wasn't until I sealed my commands with the name of Jesus—boldly emphasizing His name—that I triumphed. The spirit burned, was defeated, and lay on the ground. An angel then showed me verses that proclaim we are kings. Revelation 1:6 says we are made a kingdom and priests to God, and 1 Peter 2:9 reminds us that we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood. The angel was encouraging that i embr...
I am happy to see the heart of God in partnering with me to bless others. While this is my call to answer, I am careful not to be overly excited but to remain level-headed, as I understand the cost of being chosen to work for the Lord. Walking with Him in itself can be daunting; it’s a great responsibility that involves exposing my heart, forcing me to accept where I am wrong and engage in doing the job to unlearn and learn. Service comes with sacrifice at the same time it is deeply fulfilling and the very reason for our existence. A call, I explain as a thing that describe me yet feels foreign. It’s both familiar and new. The beginning is exhilarating, as it resembles pursuing a passion that feels more like a hobby. However, I recognize that there have been times I fought against the will of God because it was taxing to be in the place He called me to remain, doing the work and interacting with challenging individuals. I have celebrated at the revelation that my struggle is meant to e...