Guard: Protect, look after/ be watchful
The word of God instructs us "above all else (most importantly), guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it . Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes looks straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steady fast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or left, keep your foot from evil." -Proverbs 4: 23-27
I would say my father loves me so much to actual help me be right and do right. I have clear instructions to refer to and follow. 💜 Personally, i need to be taught and reminded. I need my hand to be held, and to be shown the next step i should take. I DO NOT want to do this life thing alone. And to have God care this much about all my life details and actually meet these needs, its really mind-blowing. It causes me to randomly go down on my knees in the house, irrespective of the room am in and say 'Thank You Father! It causes me to thank him for my mobility and to ask him 'how do you think i should handle this task dad?' We are a team! Because i am somewhat familiar with his works my heart chooses to follow him all seasons. The bloomy, the dry, the cold and the warm.
Life is really interesting (sigh), it needs the one who created it. Some seasons are amazing, some are really not in my bucket list, i just learn to work with what is given as i make the most out of it. Guarding the heart is monitoring the thoughts, being aware of the power they have on the emotions, attitude and actions. It is human nature to get sad/ discouraged because of the thoughts we conceive and entertain from what we have seen or heard. We are not in control of what we experience but we have control over our bodies. We can make choices and adjustments. Every emotion can be a driving forces to our actions, if its heavy try letting go of the unhelpful baggage.
The word says we 'live by faith not sight" -2Corinthians 5:7. God is the Alpha and the Omega he Knows the end from the beginning. Father has the whole picture of life, we might be going through pain now, an hour later experience healing or joy. To live by faith for me is to try and not waste the minutes of life worrying about something that already has a solution. Instead, i give thanks, and entertain positive thoughts. It doesn't always happen instantly, sometimes i fail a number of times before i get it right. I deeply love positivity, i love hope, it make the minutes of life worthy.
Life does get disruptive, but making time for what is important gives us an opportunity to see more of its beauty. Here's a little secrete: i have a relationship with myself, best friend vibes. I am truthful with myself and this helps me to continue being reflective and fair. I love God simply because he showed me he is the dad I've always wanted. When i need protection or help with anything your physical dad would do for you, he already knows about it and he sends me help.😊 This thing is a relationship. I feel honored, its too big to understand but its real.
In conclusion "I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth."-Psalm 121:1-2
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